Looking ahead
Looking Ahead – Call for Papers.
Dr. Elizabeth Farley-Ripple reflects on research impact and offers a call for papers in IJEPL.Continue reading Looking ahead
Rethinking Research for Schools
Looking Ahead – Call for Papers.
Dr. Elizabeth Farley-Ripple reflects on research impact and offers a call for papers in IJEPL.Continue reading Looking ahead
A Layer Cake of Motivation
Dr. Elizabeth Farley-Ripple describes how 6 education leaders think research impact matters In the third of a 5-part series on “Bracing for Impact.”
Continue reading A Layer Cake of Motivations
Here’s a list of where you will find the CRUE team and colleagues from NCRPP at AERA 2019 in Toronto Friday, April 5-Tuesday, April 9. Continue reading See CRUE at AERA 2019
The Findings Are Coming! The Findings Are Coming!
How a Researcher’s Message Can Rouse Educators
Researchers must communicate findings to educators in compelling ways if these findings are to be remembered, shared with others, and applied to help students. To help, Dr. Rankin shares three research-sharing strategies. Continue reading The Findings Are Coming!
Joel, Chris, & Angela have recently completed a multiple case study aimed to better understand the role education-focused intermediaries can play in connecting research & practice. Here we reflect on Edutopia & particularly on certain key features that might help to move research- and practice-based knowledge to action.Continue reading From ‘Knowledge’ to ‘Action’ – The Key Role of Intermediaries
Program and Policy Evaluations in Practice: Highlights from the Federal Perspective
This paper explores ways to improve the value of policy and program evaluations from the perspectives of current and former government officials.Continue reading Program and Policy Evaluations in Practice: Highlights from the Federal Perspective
Improving the Odds for Students
Jumping on to the “evidence-based” bandwagon is crucial now more than ever. Policies and practice that are “evidence-based” give us the most opportunity to better educate our youth and close the achievement and wage gaps.
Continue reading Improving the Odds for Students
The Center for Research Use in Education is “Rethinking Research for Schools” (R4S) Use of Research Evidence Increase the Impact of Your Research: Strategies for Knowledge Mobilization for Education ResearchersContinue reading